X-Bike Classes

X-Biking is for everyone of all ages and sizes, your X-Biking instructor has been trained to lead all types of X-Biking classes ranging from 6 week get into shape classes, rehabilitation programs, juniors, seniors to elite training for world champions.
Everyone will benefit from X-Biking regardless of fitness levels or experience. And no matter what, you are always in complete control of how hard or easy you want the ride to be. Your X-Bike even instinctively ‘coasts’ allowing you to stop pedaling anytime you want.

Contact Us

Feel free to write us if you have any question or would like to share your feedback.

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Call or Visit Us

No Limits Health & Fitness Studio

8-10 Fenkle Street, Alnwick, Northumberland, NE66 1HR

01665 604606